Access to Public Record Act Guidelines
In accordance with Rhode Island General Laws § 38-2-3(d), the Richmond-Carolina Fire District has instituted the following procedures for the public to obtain records under the Access to Public Records Act:
1. To request a fire department report on a specific incident, you may contact the District Chief by telephone at (401) 487-0050 or by e-mail at or by fax at (401) 213-6495.
2. To request records of an administrative nature from the Richmond-Carolina Fire District, you may reach us by telephone at (401) 213-6595, by email at or by fax at (401) 213-6495.
Requests by mail should be mailed to:
Mr. Randy J. Petrichko, Chairman
Richmond-Carolina Fire District
208 Richmond Townhouse Road
Carolina, Rhode Island 02812
In order to ensure that you are provided with the public records you seek in an accurate and expeditious manner, we ask that you complete the form entitled “Request to Inspect and/or Copy Documents or Records or Request for Electronic Information or Report” or otherwise submit your request in writing.
3. You are not required to provide identification or the reason(s) you are seeking the information, and your right to access will not depend upon providing identification or reasons.
If you are interested in obtaining an incident report please be advised that certain reports or information contained within a report may be exempt from disclosure pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws § 38-2-2(S): “Records, reports, opinions information, and statements required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulation or state law, or rule of court.”
4. If your request falls under APRA, a public body has ten (10) business days to respond which can be extended for an additional period of twenty (20) days for “good cause.”
5. If you feel that you have been denied access to records that fall under APRA, you have the right to petition the Board of Directors for a review of the determination. You may also file a lawsuit in Superior Court.